Building A Membership Website (Video)

Adding/edit a new Members Group

To create a new member group go to the Contacts section and click on Add Group under the Members section. Click on the Add Group button If you click on Show Group Settings, you can change the name of the group, see all the users in it and the option to add redirect URL when they login. That URL will also be sent via email if they purchase a membership access via the Online Store.

Add/Edit members

In the Contacts section you will see all the current users on the website. You can filter them by groups or add a new one manually from the Add Member button. If you click on the member you will open their profile page. For each member you have their name, email and any contact properties that you have in your Engage section. You can manage those from the Settings -> Properties. You can also reset the password or delete the user. You can modify each member/contact by clicking on their name...

Members Settings

In the Contacts tab, and the left hand side Settings Cog, and then under Membership Settings you can do the following - Allow Registrations - that will allow people to register on the website - Member Approval - when someone registers it requires a manual approval by website admin to grant access. - Apply alternative header to the registration, login and profile pages - Receive an email notification upon new member registration - Add a default group when someone signs up

Create Membership (Secured) content

To assign a page to be only accessible only by group members you can do that by clicking on Pages to list all the pages in your builder. Find the page you want to restrict access to and click on the Gear Icon to get to the page settings. In Page Access drop-down select Members Only and click on Choose Member Groups, after that all you need to do is select what groups should have access to that page.

How to create a Membership Product

To have the option to sell membership in your site please go to Store -> Products -> Add Product You have four options to choose from, select the Membership When you create the product you have the standard fields that you need to fill for the product. The special option here is to assign a member group that will be assigned to the user that purchases the membership. They will automatically be as...